The only thing I love as much as running a race is the bling I receive at the finish line. I'm big-time into race bling. I'll complete a challenge if it means more medals and I'm always curious to see a race medal before I register. It's the one memorabilia you earn, and half marathon medals are hard-earned. So, anytime a race series offers awesome bling (or multiple bling, even better!) I feel compelled to share it.
In an attempt to reach Saturn level of Half Fanatics, I was in search of an early May race and encountered Race 13.1 in Greensboro. I remember seeing signs for it last spring, but I never really looked into it. I'm regretting that decision now because it's a series that hits a couple dozen cities, offering big race perks with a small race feel. The Greensboro race, for example, has a half marathon capacity of 1,500 runners. That capacity sounds like I have a lot of room on the course to myself. The medals, however, are not small. Check out the reward for the Greensboro Half Marathon on 5/15:

I'm a little biased here, but I think Greensboro has the best medal. The mason jar is truly representative of the Piedmond Triad.
That's enough talk about the Greensboro race, here is a list of the remaining cities this series will be hitting in 2016!
I mentioned there was some extra bling involved... and there certainly is. Complete three half marathons in one calendar year, and receive a bonus medal. Receive an additional medal PLUS a Half Marathon Finisher pullover when you complete your seventh half marathon of the series in a calendar year. With the close vicinity of many of these locations to me, I can definitely hit the threshold to earn the medal for completing three!

In addition to earning extra bling for running races within the series, they also present the opportunity to earn a triple crown medal for completing specific Race 13.1 events as well as other featured local events. There are currently two triple crown medals offered and they are in Raleigh and Roanoke.
- Raleigh Spring Triple Crown - Earn this medal by completing the Tobacco Road Half Marathon on March 13, the NCRC Classic on May 22, and Race 13.1 Raleigh-Spring on June 6. Click here for details!
- Roanoke Triple Crown - Earn this medal by completing Race 13.1 Roanoke, VA on June 18, the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon or Half Marathon on April 16 and the Star City Half Marathon on Nov. 19. Click here for details!
It's worth mentioning that the series offers a season pass for $150. The season pass allows runners to register for an unlimited number of Race 13.1 events for only $15 each. If you intend to run three or more events, the pass will definitely save you money in the long run.
I'm excited to experience my first race of this series next month and can't wait to share my experience! I've read that there is a 40% elevation reduction in this year's course from the 2015 course which makes me VERY happy! This girl doesn't do well with hills!
Since I'm toying with the idea of running a few other locations to earn an extra medal, I did a little digging to see which destinations most interest me. The Charleston race is Halloween themed which definitely draws my attention. I'm not one to wear costumes for races, but it would be worthwhile just to see other runners' costumes. Plus, Charleston is always a great idea.
Based on other races I've already registered for in the fall, Asheville and Charlotte are my only North Carolina options. Since I'm already running a Half Marathon in Charlotte in early September, I would be more inclined to try Asheville. I've never run a race in that city! Since I'm worried about hills, I checked out the course and was thrilled to see a 15% decline in elevation from the previous year. The course also promises to be beautiful and scenic.
If you'd like to run Race 13.1 in Greensboro with me, use code BARBIE10 at checkout to receive 10% off your race registration fee!
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